Making a RS-232/UART adaptor
May 28, 2014
A couple of months ago I wanted to experiment with the serial console
of an old router I had laying around. Not wanting to buy a UART
adaptor, I decided to make one myself. After all, I had some
spare MAX3232 left over from a previous project (for which I still
haven't blogged).
I just followed the schematic provided by the datasheet and 15 minutes of soldering later, this was the end result.
Gotta love these cute little perfboards!
I've tested it both with a RapPI and the aforementioned router and it works great. I was able to get a serial console on the router using the serial headers on the pcb. The manufacturer had even marked the TX/RX pin holes, so there was no need for me to go serial hunting.
Now, I'm waiting for some FTDI FT232-RL chips to arrive to make a USB adaptor instead of a RS-232 one. I know you can buy one on ebay for 3 bucks, but where is the fun in that?
Tags: hardware