Trying out logs and TILs

Dec 3, 2024

I often find myself wanting to blog about something, but I get stuck on trying to write a blog post that's perfect, which is a big mental barrier. The longer it takes me to publish something, the harder it gets, hence why I haven't posted about my updates since May. I'm also guilty of having multiple long essay-like posts, that are half-finished for years now, which apply a constant pressure in my posts backlog, making the situation worse.

As an attempt to fix this, I'm giving TILs and log entries a try.

TIL, log entries, /now pages, etc

For a long time I've been fascinated by the idea of now pages, weekly or monthly notes pages and TILs. I already keep a personal journal of what I'm doing daily and my org-roam directory keeps growing, so I think it's time I started publishing more of these for people that might be interested. Some people use social media for this and while I browse the fediverse daily and even post sometimes, it's not a medium I feel comfortable with. It feels too personal to share something on the fediverse for me.

So, I've added a /log/ section in my blog that will contain my log and TIL entries that I think are worth sharing. There's a new RSS feed just for those entries available here, while my main feed contains both regular posts and these new log entries. If you only care about the longer form posts, the feed is this one.

Let's see how this experiment goes. As a demo, here's the first log/til entry!

Tags: workflow til log

Source: GitHub